
Working on new projects

While working on new projects, the fourth batch of Open.Theremin.UNO sold out last week-end. Thank you for your continued interest and I hope you have a lot of fun with the theremins. I have been working on the Open.Theremin.Y and got some interesting insights (see here). Then I got invited by Nori Ubukata to a group of thereminist and synthesist to think about a promising new device combining the two. Maybe a dedicated Open.Theremin.CV combined with the best sound synthesizers out there...

Few Open.Theremin.UNO available

There are some Open.Theremin.UNO boards on stock again. You can order now in the small batch store - here. And as the lovely saying that Dieter has sent me:
There are two
kinds of fools. One says "It is old and therefore good."
And the other
says: "This is new and therefore better."

Glitch-Art by Antirender Lab

The orders for a new batch of Open.Theremin.UNO are placed. While still working on a redesign I decided to make a limited edition (45 boards) of the existing design featuring a special backside graphics. The design is a glitch art by the very talented young artist Antirender Lab from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I am looking forward to this edition and hope that my PCB manufacturer will not be too confused...



The PCB manufacturer in deed go confused by the glitch art on the new batch, asking me to confirm the design before manufacturing. With some delays also on the parts it will be end of the month for new theremins to be ready. Meanwhile I continued on the redesign project and uploaded some first designs. It should be called Open.Theremin.Y. Modifications still possible so don't hesitate to comment.

Happy to be back

Thank you for all your mails with comments, suggestions and requests. After an intensive time with the project I had to take a break. I guess some of you have taken the challenge to produce your own boards. Please send me pictures :-) If you want to sell boards please feel free to do so and I would also advertise for you on the website. With all your amazing feedback I am now motivated to continue. I will produce a next batch of boards with the help of some friends who set up a small production facility. To get the parts and the machines running will probably take a few weeks. I'll keep you up to date.


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