
Coralie Ehinger playing the Open.Theremin

After month of development I was very happy to hear Coralie Ehinger playing some nice sounds on the open.theremin.  Coralie is a Swiss theremin player and organizer of the first Swiss theremin festival N / O / D / E. She runs etheremin, a French theremin platform and gives lectures on the history and the art of playing the theremin at schools. She confirmed that the theremin is well playable and she was impressed by the good linearity. She also gave me inspiration and new ideas to implement.  See here.

Chaostreff-Dortmund making Open.Theremin.UNO

Just learned that the Germany based hackerspace Chaostreff-Dortmund stared building the new Open.Theremin.UNO. As their wiki says they have already ordered boards and parts for 10 theremins ( Wish you good luck and looking forward to see new ideas, improvements and maybe new code. UPDATE: Workshop tomorrow Tuesday, 21 May 2013.

Open.Theremin.UNO first Small Batch

Yes, the first small batch of 50 boards for the all new arduino based open theremin is in production. Parts for 20 boards are here. Hope to have the first batch ready by end of this month. Still need ideas for the housing...

First Batch of Open.Theremin.UNO shipping

The first small batch of open.theremin.UNO is being shipped. I am really happy about the new design and the response is great. There are still some boards on stock and I ordered new parts for more.

Meike Degand playing the Körpertheremin

Amazing N/O/D/E Festival with exelent performances and workshops. Talented theremin player Meike Degand together with Lydia Kavina, giving the Körpertheremin a try. Atmospheric installation of the Körpertheremin (based on the open.theremin circuit) by Iris Rennert was a big success wtih the public.


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