
First Prototype of Open.Theremin.UNO @ N/O/D/E Festival

The first prototype of the new Open.Theremin.UNO will be present at the N/O/D/E Festival in Lausanne (Switzerland) this week-end. Also at the festival, focusing on unusual instruments and forgotten sounds, will be the Werdenberg-Theremin installation.

Open.Theremin.UNO - Playable Theremin with pitch and volume antenna based on a Arduino compatible shield.

Developping Open.Theremin.UNO

The developpement of the new Open Theremin as a shield for the arduino UNO is making good progress. A prototype of the new board including two sensor circuit and an all new 13 bit digital analog converter was just delivered today. It looks realy cool and I am looking forward to assembling it. -> Open.Theremin.UNO

Nice Werdenberg Theremin

The theremin installation and workshop on the castle Werdenberg were really nice and a big success. The dancer Laura Siegmund brought the tow big antennas to life in front of an astonished audience. Twelve people soldered a Open.Theremin.RC and Swiss television was also there.


Just updated some info on the website. There is a new and improved schematic (values of some resistors changed, see note section for details). Then I started the more detailed description of the UP circuit and added some measurements. Have fun.


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