
Theremin Workshop in Moscow

Excited to facilitate a two days session on the topic of 'Personal Body Enhancement and Feedback using the Theremin Principle' at Garage Museum in Moscow. Together with Peter Theremin we will explore the fascinating technology that inspired Russian physicists and musicians in the aera of Lev Theremin. I will be in Moscow till January 8th. Register for the workshop now or just come for a visit.

White Christmas Special Edition

The holiday season is the perfect time to build something beautiful. To celebrate the winter month I produced this White Christmas Special Edition 2017 of the Open.Theremin V3 for you. The logos and printings in true gold turned out so beautiful. Combine it with some nice wood working and you get a fully playable theremin instrument. Get the kit now in the online store here. Update: Special edition sold out for now.

Teensy 3.5. Extension

Yasushi Yoshida, musician, theremin player and inventor from Osaka, Japan is working on a Teensy 3.5. extension for the Open.Theremin V3. Yasushi has made valuable contributions to the project since the very early days. Thank you for sharing this with us. See video.

OpenTheremin V3 now with MIDI

I am very happy to share with you that Open.Theremin V3 now has a MIDI code to control various synthesizers. Vincent Dhamelincourt, an experienced electronics and firmware engineer from Lunel, France has written a very nice code an provided it to all of us. With this extra code the Open.Theremin plays as serial midi, USB HID midi or even through a MIDI DIN connector. It's a lot of fun. See my video here.

New Community Picutures

I just uploaded some more pictures of Open Theremin case builds here. It's great to see all your creative work and contributions. The Theremin shown below, a stand-alon system containing an active speaker and an amplifier was made by Virginia in collaboration with a friend. She wrote "the experience has been really smooth considering that we were total beginners in dealing with code and soldering" and "Open sourcing is the way to go to stimulate interest and bring knowledge into everyday life" - Thank you for the great feedback Virginia.