
New Wood Housing

Look at this gorgeous new wood housing for the open theremin. It looks and sounds so much nicer now... check out the making of in the hardware section.

Growing OpenTheremin community

The open.theremin community is growing. There are actual different people from Germany, Spain, Austria and Indonesia building the theremin independently. Theremins are delicate instruments and not easy to build. I try to help as good as I can. Your effort will help to improve the quality of the documentation on this website. Post your notes in the comment section and i will publish problems and experience I hear of on the Note-Page.

The making of is online

I filmed my self building a whole open.theremin form preparing the pcb to the programing of the micro controller. I hope this makes the process more clear and motivates people to build the theremin. I feel a little embarrassed when I see my self in the video - anyway I put it online - have fun.

Call for Participation

On Saturday December 11th we (in)officilay launched the open.theremin call for participation during the MINT-Conference for IT youth development in the Swiss Museum of Transport Lucerne. Get your own open.theremin and make your contribution to the project. For more details see the call...


Alfons Eschle playing the OpenTheremin

The swiss theremin player Alfons Eschle gave the OpenTheremin a try during the Light&Sound trade fair in Lucern. It was a pleasure for me to hear the sounds and melodies Eschle got out of the home made theremin. His opinion was that the theremin was quite playable and he even proposed to give some lessons during one of our workshops. I am looking forward to it. You find the video here.