Open Science Hardware Roadmap

The OpenDrop device is developed as open source science hardware. All the source files to build and use it, plans, schematics, board designs and software codes are available under a public license. Publishing open source hardware and software are part of open science movement to make scientific research, data and dissemination accessible to all levels of an inquiring society, amateur or professional.


In 2016 we started GOSH, the global gathering for open science hardware in Geneva, to bring together people interested in the growth of knowledge through global access to hardware for science. With open hardware as an essential new part of open science, the movement got strong momentum and we are now presenting a Global Open Science Hardware Roadmap with the goal of making open science hardware ubiquitous by 2025. Download the Roadmap as PDF.

Grow Learn Support GOSH

Join the movement by releasing your hardware sources, sign the manifesto for open science hardware or join us for the next GOSH in Shenzhen, China.