Restorative Practices Residency

Invited by Paula Pin from Casa Do Rio, we attended a residency and public Hackathon on Biomaterials, Biodiversity and DIY Microscopy in Galicia, Spain. We had a weekend of making, talks and an exhibition, where we shared recipes with local bio-textile designers and experimented with bioelectronic materials. Restorative Practices is a Creative Europe collaboration project.

Are Friends Piezoelectric?

Together with my friend Miranda Moss, I have embarked on a wonderful and speculative quest for diverse energetic materials. In a whimsical research endeavor, we delved deep into the world of piezoelectric crystals and conducted experiments on ambient energy. We showcased our research results in the form of an exhibition and a masterclass during the REFRESH #5 festival at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK).

Open-Source Real-Time Amplification

A global group of people working on open source hardware and reagents for LAMP reactions gathered online under the name of GlobalLAMP. Finally in 2022 we got to physically meet and collaborate. The first meeting was held at the Learning Planet Institute in Paris. A small group of researchers from 4 continents, Europe, Africa, Asia, South America met and exchanged knowledge (link). In the same year, a second work phase was held in MboaLab in Cameroon (link). Inspired by the collaboration GaudiLabs developed a new prototype device of a qPocketPCR, a real time PCR machine reading fluorescence through a highly sensitive camera and an ESP32 core.

Digital Biology Hangout

During the pandemic GaudiLabs was busy with online activities and some smaller physical laboratories. With Ryan Fobel from SciBots we initiated a biweekly hangout on digital microfluidics with great success. Scientific researchers, corporate engineers and creative people from all around the world meet to exchange experiences in this uprising technology. Together with Stefan Deuber we broadcasted a lab-session for Fashion Revolution. And two physical labs were held on the topics of DIY graphene and bio-materials.


Extended laboratory

After several years of successful business, GaudiLabs was transformed into a limited liability company in 2020. GaudiLabs LLC has also been expanded to include a beautiful laboratory. A dust-free workplace was set up for OpenDrop production. New open science hardware product can be found in .

Guest Lecture Copy Paste Hardware

Guest lecture for the “How To Symposium: Copy Paste & Rights” at Zurich University of Arts (ZhdK). Talked about the merger of digital representation and physical manifestation. Showed Shenzhen ready open hardware, the 3D Printed Speculum, the Open Space Wrench, The 3D Additivist Cookbook, Self assembling DNA Origami structures and more. Finished with an OpenSCAD Workshop.


Temporary Autonomous Laboratory, Geneva

Together with Hackteria, GaudiLabs coordinates a Temporary Autonomous Laboratory during the early phase of “1000 Ecologies” inviting international researchers, artists and entrepreneurs to “Le Commun” in Geneva. On the topic of “Wormolution” participants will explore the territory between plastic as the abundant material of our society and the natural metabolisms and processes in nature.

Open Microplastics in Soil Research

Picture by Chris Obrist

As part of the PlasticTwist European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Project, GaudiLabs invited HUMUS sapiens for an open research session on micro-plastics in the soil. With Julian Chollet and Josephine Blersch from the mikroBIOMIK society we turned the FabLab Luzern into a DIY research lab and analyzed soil sample with self made centrifuges, filters and fluorescent microscopes. A walk in the newly reconditioned recreational area on the Lucerne Allmende made us realize the extend of the problem. Finally, collected samples were scanned using a hacked HiSeq Sequencing machine.

Co-lab for microfluidics Paris

Together with Juanma Garcia (Institut Pierre Gilles de Gennes) and Ryan Fobel (Sci-Bots) we organized a one week Co-lab for microfluidics in Paris (July 2017). Latest development on digital microfluidic devices were presented in the AIC/CRI Masterclass and in a Demo-Session at Espace Pierre-Gilles de Gennes. In a open week-end session at CRI maker and bio labs (Faculté de Médecine Paris Descarts) we experimented with new ideas on microfluidics that we later presented on a big poster at FLOW17 (Conference on Fundamentals and Applications of Micro- and Nanofluidics).

BioFabbing Convergence

The BioFabbing Convergence on Fabrications and Fabulations brought together enthusiasts, practitioners, and researchers on Biohacking and Do-it-Yourself Biology (DIYbio) in an open event. Supported by the Do-it-Together Science (DITOs) EU Project we worked and lived in CERN, Hackuarium, the Confucius Institute, utopian, Campus Biotech and many other great places. As part of the pre- and after-program I got to visit pavillon_35 with Nature Animée#2, Kunsthalle Mainz with Biotopia and Make Munich. A great time wtih great people.