Together with Hackteria, GaudiLabs coordinates a Temporary Autonomous Laboratory during the early phase of “1000 Ecologies” inviting international researchers, artists and entrepreneurs to “Le Commun” in Geneva. On the topic of “Wormolution” participants will explore the territory between plastic as the abundant material of our society and the natural metabolisms and processes in nature.
Archive for Event
Open Microplastics in Soil Research
As part of the PlasticTwist European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Project, GaudiLabs invited HUMUS sapiens for an open research session on micro-plastics in the soil. With Julian Chollet and Josephine Blersch from the mikroBIOMIK society we turned the FabLab Luzern into a DIY research lab and analyzed soil sample with self made centrifuges, filters and fluorescent microscopes. A walk in the newly reconditioned recreational area on the Lucerne Allmende made us realize the extend of the problem. Finally, collected samples were scanned using a hacked HiSeq Sequencing machine.
Co-lab for microfluidics Paris
Together with Juanma Garcia (Institut Pierre Gilles de Gennes) and Ryan Fobel (Sci-Bots) we organized a one week Co-lab for microfluidics in Paris (July 2017). Latest development on digital microfluidic devices were presented in the AIC/CRI Masterclass and in a Demo-Session at Espace Pierre-Gilles de Gennes. In a open week-end session at CRI maker and bio labs (Faculté de Médecine Paris Descarts) we experimented with new ideas on microfluidics that we later presented on a big poster at FLOW17 (Conference on Fundamentals and Applications of Micro- and Nanofluidics).
Wild OpenPCR and Polymorphism Workshop
Building OpenPCR thermocyclers in a workshop and testing them by running a polymerase chain reaction. Two workshops, in Biotehna, Slovenia and GaudiLabs Lucern brought together artists, engineers and biologists to do some hands on work. We got some great results and plenty of ideas on how to use our new devices.
Temporary public biolab in Zurich
During a one week public lab session we explore different forms of glow in the dark and the natural appearance of bioluminescence. The collaboration was initiated by the artist duo Heidy Baggenstos und Andreas Rudolf together with GaudiLabs was mentioned in this context in an article in Neue Zürcher Zeitung and focused mainly on the research of gimmickry around the topic of luminescence sometimes used in bioart projects.
Mobile Lab Hackaton
For one week we will collaborate on ideas of Mobile Labs, Lab-in-a-Box, Environmental monitoring for off-grip field trips, artistic projects and transportability of living systems.
BioTehna Lab,
Field Trip to Maribor and Vitanje,
Kapelica Gallery